Gift Planning

Leave a legacy of giving for future generations

Planned Giving
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Journey of Trust

Journey of Trust
The first time he called the conversation went like this: "Hi, I am interested in making a gift. I want more information, but I don't want to tell you my name."

The second call: "I'd like more information. You don't need my name."

Third call: "Okay, okay, okay --My name is Larry,* and my wife and I would like to talk.

Fourth call: "This is silly. My name is Larry Kumquat.* Can we talk with you without any pressure about gifts?"

My turn to talk: "Always."

You have the heart to make a difference, but you don't want to become the honey to fundraising bees. You just want to talk, get information, details you should know, and not be pressured. Can that happen?


*A true story. Of course, I changed the names.
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